Poe/Maz: Unlock the Secrets

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AstroLad 368


Vader & the Raider have been getting a lot of love after winning the World Championships, but with Spirit of Rebellion now finally hitting stores, there's a wombo combo that people still stuck in Awakenings deckbuilding mindsets are missing out on -- an underrated power couple that goes by the name of Poe/Maz.

You'd be forgiven if you took a look at this tag team and thought to yourself that Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary, or even the hideous new Emperor Palpatine, could chew threw them. At only 20 total health, and weak character dice in Maz, the deck looks like a "glass cannon" that only half-fires. But join me as I "unlock the secrets" of this amazing team, and the even more amazing deck I built for it.

Key Principles

  1. Poe's Special: The first step to unlocking the magic inherent in this deck is to understand the power of Poe's special, which lets you discard a card from your hand to resolve any of its die faces. The entire deck is built around using this special 3-4 times per turn. If you only use Poe's special twice a turn, you're not trying hard enough! This guide will teach you the subtle and devious plays that even the good guys can pull off sometimes.
  2. Trick Plays: Obvious plays include throwing four damage at your opponent via a Millennium Falconor Rocket Launcher, but given its insane ability to pump out 3+ specials per turn, the deck digs deep into the Support pool to drop shocking plays. An opponent might feel like you're unable to play out a vehicle sitting on only two , but that's when you use Poe's special to grab a Quadjumper and then use the very underrated part of Poe's ability and play out the 'Jumper from discard for only net two . Before long, the battlefield will be littered with your supports and your opponent's characters.
  3. Battlefield Supremacy: As an experienced player with this team, I realized quickly that it rarely wins the battlefield roll, so the deck has a ton of cards to get Throne Room into play, including two New Orders and two Hyperspace Jumps, as well as an Ascension Gun to grab the Throne Room claim ability until you draw those critical cards. Once you've literally turned the tables by flipping the battlefield, Cheat converts those extra battlefield cards into more Bowcasters and Thermal Detonators to hurl with impunity.
  4. Poe's Special Part Two: By now you probably have a good sense of just how much Poe's special can swing the game in your favor. Cards like Cunning, Maz's Goggles, Sensor Placement, and Outpost all help you hit those insane numbers of specials with shocking frequency. Two Launch Bays to the face? Thank you sir! May I have another?

In Conclusion

If you're sick of getting stomped by the same old Blue Villains, bring this seemingly unassuming little deck to your game night and wreck Vader before he's had the chance to pull off a single Force Strike. And be sure to thank me!

3 комментария

AstroLad 368

Got a question about C-3PO and my only response is that this was a massive oversight. The deck should never be resolving a Poe die as a non-special, and everyone's favorite droid is another way to look it in when combined with Emperor's Throne Room, New Orders, Ascension Gun, and Outpost.

Also wanted to mention that this deck will be absolutely insane if FFG ever prints a card that lets you increase hand size to pack 5-6 throwable cards in each draw. Inferior decks -- DUCK!

revhellion 1

Have you tried this deck out? On paper it would look to fall apart fast, as the more supports you get out there, the slower this deck goes and you aren't claiming Throne Room. Also there looks to be a lot of build up and there's no mitigation. I'm curious if you've seen this work well and what your strategy is to ramp up.

AstroLad 368

No, this is purely theoretical and designed with the lofty ambition of consistenly throwing 3-4 Supports per turn, so it eschews absolutely everything that doesn't directly contribute to that goal.