Beauty and the Beast

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kbfresh147 77

This might actually be one of the better mill decks I've been able to create. Chewbacca - Loyal Friend having 12 health is just so big for the deck's ability to survive which has always been one of the major focal points in mill decks up until this point. Couple his natural health with the Second Chance/Ammo Belt combo, complete with Cheat to get them back if necessary and opponents are looking at working through around 40+ health. The other great part about Chewbacca - Loyal Friend is that if Padme Amidala - Queen of Naboo goes down early before you're able to save her, he can still run Con Artist and Cunning to keep working through their deck. Lone Operative is a great late game card, 3 health off the special is a lot of recovery and the 2 helps a lot after Padme Amidala - Queen of Naboo and Con Artist have worked through your opponent's deck. One of the most important cards to find in the opening hand is at least one Double-Dealing. There are a lot of special sides in this deck making this an incredible resource generator in a deck that needs it to take full advantage of Padme's specials and be able to pay for dice control.

There are some cards here that are up for debate in the decklist, here's why I have them in.

Block and Dodge: They're pretty expensive and a lot of times you may only need to remove one of an opponent's dice, but I have these in as the panic button for when an opponent just rolls the nuts and you're not sure you can come back from the damage. Loth-Cat and Mouse and Negotiate are what I use for more isolated cases of when dice need to be controlled.

Disarm: Works so well with Chewie's damage sides. It's essentially a permanent dice removal on an upgrade of 2 or less which happens to hold a lot of the most prevalent and strongest upgrades in the game right now. Can help prevent FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper from just chaining weapon dice especially but really anytime you can remove a weapon, you're not only removing dice but essentially disrupting the resource they used to pay for it.

Life Debt: Added it to try and keep Padme alive longer but for some reason, most people seem to target Chewie first. Eventually it'll have its place in the deck but only 1 may be both not enough and too many (not enough for consistency so it might be better to just forego the card). It works under the same premise as Draw Attention so maybe one or the other is the way to go with that particular set.

Maz's Goggles: I have it in for the focus it can help provide and the special can make a big difference in the game (as well as another side for Double-Dealing to trigger off of), but I'm not sure it's necessary. I'm sure this is one that could replaced, possibly for Datapad as its special would serve the same purpose as the Goggle's focus side and could otherwise help ramp resources which is something that you can never have too much of in order to pay for control and Padme specials.

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