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remorhaz 14

Hybrid Mill/Damage deck that abuses the awakenings Han/Rey ambush engine and second chance/ammo belt.

The optimal turn 1 is holdout/vibroknife plus Force Speed on Rey with a negotiate or electroshock in hand. I roll Jyn and if I like the results 3-4 discard or 3-4 ranged damage I resolve or I roll Rey and remove and I'm set up to remove anything dangerous with Negotiate or electroshock on my opponents turn.

In the early to mid game you are going to be overwriting the ambush upgrades on Rey to stay up tempo and set yourself up for a claim of Starship Graveyard to do it again the next turn. your goal is to kill one of the opposing characters before Rey dies or on the same turn Rey dies. In my experience after the first disgusting Ambush force speed Rey turn she will get all the hate so dig for that one with the force.

Because most of the early game is overwriting and control your dice pool isn't ramping up like it would in a dedicated mill or control deck so its very important the quality of your dice is higher than average. Jyn's dice are high quality but she is a hybrid so the split results can drag out the game. This is where the one with the force focus is important to ensure you can fix Jyn dice to end the game efficiently.

This also means you will be sitting on lots of resources in the end game you will have trouble leveraging because 1-2 of your upgrade slots on Jyn will be second chance and/or ammo belt. This is also where you begin to understand why Jyn is so expensive to field. Her passive ability generates an incredible amount of resources over time.

If rocket launcher were not so popular I think the Falcon would be a nice finisher. The other possibilities are bowcaster which I don't own so I haven't been able to try yet but it might serve as a resource dump end game and Thermal Detonator which can add mill or that final burst of damage to end a game. The card is likely cut is one force throw. This would even out the yellow upgrades and blue upgrades out at 5 each.

Dangers - this deck is highly dependent on Jyn. 6 cards are spot yellow and only 1 card is zero cost so if Jyn is burst down quickly you are going to be in trouble. Initially I tried Loth cat and unpredictable as well and they are ok but they can spoof jyns ability and my theory is if you are spending 20 points on Jyn you want to be extracting value every turn.

in my opinion this deck is very good especially vs the wide open meta that exists right now . I like it a lot better than Han/Rey because you can go Mill if you have to and with lots of hero decks running around with second chance it's very nice to have that back up plan.

If you read all the way through this novel Any feedback is quite welcome.

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