Don't Touch My Dice

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Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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MegsTheWags 1

This deck is primarily focused on doing instant damage.

The Battlefield is up to you. Ewok Village - Endor is a safe one against yourself as you do not produce shields and it doesn't give any others an advantage.

In your starting hand, you should try to get Training and Wingman as they will get you to have a great start.

To start, you should put Training on Tie Pilot. Your next step is to put Wingman on Death Trooper. If you can somehow get a Training onto Death Trooper, then that would benefit you greatly.

The rest of the game will be you putting on upgrades when you can. You're not gaining any resources and so low cost upgrades are key. Just keep on rolling out damage and modifying your dice.

Thank you and good luck! Going to try this out in a tournament, but so far in events, this is undefeated. I've played against Mill decks, Palpatine - Galactic Emperor decks, and Guardian decks.

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