Old Mould Fresh Hell (Han/Rey)

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HanRey SoR 0 0 0 1.0

rory_braker 21

So I've been playing around with how to best make Rey - Force Prodigy work with My Ally Is The Force combined with Mind Probe / One With The Force. Playing an ambush weapon on her followed by a Mind Probe special with Ally is 10 damage before your opponent can react (can be expensive but Destiny really helps with that). Unpredictable can also help to hit your Mind Probe reliably. One With The Force is the backup plan with the double 3 damage, or triple focus into other dice.

Obviously the key is to keep Rey alive as long as possible so you can get the combo off. I originally thought that Han Solo - Scoundrel wouldn't work as people have traditionally focused Rey down first. This led me to Protective Mentor. With this on Han he becomes your tank while Rey goes to work. With his 10 health, plus another 10 or so from shields (Caution, Swiftness, Unpredictable, etc) you essentially get a 30 health Rey.

Cards like Caution, Destiny, and Guard really make her character dice work for you. Sabotage is there simply to mitigate Imperial Inspection if you run into it. That card can really tear this deck apart by removing upgrades, especially Protective Mentor. Cheat is just a great toolbox card to return an ambush weapon or a combo card to your hand. Riposte to just snap some damage from hand when you need it.

Maz's Castle - Takodana really helps with churning through your deck to get the combos going.

I've tested this a few times and it's really solid. Looking forward to hitting a tournament soon to really run it through its paces. I think it will really take people by surprise as it's so different to the traditional Han/Rey. Protective Mentor is actually the only upgrade I play on Han. He is purely there to tank for Rey, while getting great value from his dice (can still disrupt on that first turn before the opponent can react).

I think the big weakness could be losing the battlefield and getting stuck with a poor draw, but that's not a new problem.

Would be interesting in hearing what people think. I'll update as I get more games in with it :)

3 комментария


Rey need's more beef. Seeing how Light Saber does not work well in this deck. Maybe Hand Crafted Light Bow would be good and MK as well. Use Rey's Staff to overwrite. Change out Mind probe with Jedi Robe. Switch out Sabotage with a support like Bind All Things or Your Eyes Can Deceive You. I like Trust Your Instincts. Swiftness is a great card but overkill I think. Fast Hands is great for an early turn Han while you are loading up Rey. Rejuvenate can save Rey one more turn. Keeping Rey alive is key. Most people will target her out of fear of the SOR cards.

rory_braker 21

@DJRAZZ Did you read the description? Why would I take out Mind Probe? I have slotted fast hands in since this, taken out riposte.


I read it and I understand. Combo's are cool. I use my feel your anger/immobilize combo in my Vader/Raider. I just think it requires a lot of set up and possible cost, but to each his own. You did ask for other's thoughts.