Han/Rey Balance & Evasion

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AstroLad 368

8 комментариев

AstroLad 368

Edited version of my description from Knights of Ren Discord channel w/ some additional comments:

Have refined this list over ~50 games (only play Han/Rey) and about 90% win-rate on TTS with it overall. It has the shell you would expect but the flex card choices have been really useful in the meta.

-This is pretty basic Han/Rey strategy by now, but mulligan for Jedi Robes and Holdouts. I usually hard mulligan if I get neither. Consider hanging on to Infamous even though you might not be able to play it Turn 1. It's absolutely critical to turning Han into a powerhouse that can easily Draw Attention, as well as making Hunker Down and Jetpack into cards you can cheat bonus actions out with.

-Priority 1 against most decks is Rey survival. Start her with Holdout Blaster (or preferably that into Jedi Robes), then ramp up into Force Throw and One With The Force.

-Everything until lategame should be about spamming actions and keeping Rey alive. Han is just there to roll Action 1 disrupts and start laying down some damage, as well as accumulate shields and Riposte them. It's so easy to accumulate shields on Han I've almost considered holding on to Riposte in opening hand, but survivability is priority 1 even if you wind up missing out on a few Ambush shields.

-If Rey is teetering, do everything you possibly can to get One With The Force on her (preferably two), especially if you're overwriting anything other than Holdout.

Some comments on some of the slightly-less-conventional choices for the deck:

-One of the key moves of the deck is a power turn (or sometimes even two) where you can completely eliminate all of an opponent's dice with Negotiate, Daring Escape, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Deflect, and maybe even an Electroshock if you really need it. Cards like Fight Dirty and even It's a Trap! can turn even blanks into a clean character wipe. If you sense it coming, the deck gives you a ton of options to duck it. To that end, I think Daring Escape and Negotiate are slightly undervalued by most Han/Rey players given their unique abilities to clear out loads of dice. Daring Escape is expensive, which is why I have it at 1 for now, but the deck is not lacking for money if you dig for Jedi Robes and roll it a few times, or even just cash in Han & Rey dice early.

-Where are all those nifty blue cards? The fact is, no matter how much work you do, you can't count on Rey surviving reliably, so Spot Blue is very risky. Force Throw is in there because it's just such an amazing card, and it helps Rey survive, and One With The Force is there precisely because Rey dies so you can retain the value of any DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol or Force Throw you put on her.

-That said, don't assume your opponent will always defeat Rey first. If you Riposte and pour damage over to Han via Draw Attention and don't have the money to threaten a Second Chance drop, savvy opponents will capitalize, so you're better off holding off and letting them hit Rey before weakening Han with Riposte or Draw Attention, or even putting Hunker Down onto Rey. You do have to watch for the flush Han kill with power aggro decks like Vaider/Raider and Jango/Anything, but generally if an opponent targets Han out of choice rather than responsively to you, you've already won. Just dig for Ambushes if you really need them.

-Scavenge is a fairly popular Han/Rey include I just don't find useful very often. The deck already has more than enough Infamous targets, so it may not even get you the shield (and you might have to blow an action just playing it) and I've found that when Starship Graveyard is in play, Scavenge is all but a dead card. I've also added 1-2 upgrades over the standard builds you'll see, so that shores up any Upgrade hunting you have to do even if you don't get your battlefield (do almost always choose your battlefield though unless the opponent has mirror).

-Being an HB Sentry-ICE player in Netrunner, I was enamored with Disarm, but when you play it a lot you realize that it's insanely costly when you include the die cost. This is slightly mitigated by Rey's sometimes useless +2 melee, but that's not dependable and in any event you can often Negotiate that (or focus into her 1 melee once One With The Force is out).

-Speaking of which, I also don't care much for Awakening as I think the deck absolutely needs speed to thrive and beyond being an immediate tempo hit, Awakening only pays off when you start taking an extra action every turn to resolve it. The deck plays as fast as I can make it while still keeping Rey alive, and I don't want to be the player taking five actions after my opponent has claimed, even if one of those is a shiny resource. I want to be the one claiming so I can spam upgrades and resolve disrupts or fatal damage immediately.

AstroLad 368

Some borderline cards to consider if you like the playstyle of this build, but want more options:

-Heroism is a fairly common include in Han/Rey and definitely not out of place too. I marginally prefer Draw Attention because you can maintain tempo with it better thanks to Infamous, but could absolutely see 1x Heroism in here (I would not recommend cutting Draw Attention ever though, as one of the classic Han/Rey lists here properly advises). I also would not play 2x Heroism because you risk turning Han into too much of a target with that much damage reallocation that often does not even function as mitigation.

-Scramble was something I had in early builds when the meta was a bit more diverse and you saw more focus. Scramble can punch fairly hard against focus-intensive decks that let you respond like Lukebar sometimes does, but in Jangoworld it's not nearly as effective. I prefer Negotiate to it despite the cost. But if you happen to be in a meta with lots of Red Heroes, it may be worth adding back.

-Lightsaber was in for a spell and has now been replaced by Force Throw. Zach Bunn of Team Covenant made a good argument for Lightsaber given its redeploy, but I prefer to go the other direction and largely write off melee damage entirely. It's a hit to your temp and it's just not reliable enough. Redeploy is nice in a pinch, but hopefully you've got at least one One With The Force to throw down before Rey passes, or even a Holdout Blaster, which is a better weapon to toss to Han anyway. Early game Force Throw does actual work keeping Rey alive that Lightsaber just doesn't. But there is an entirely different build and playstyle that does give serious credence to melee damage, just not this one.

-Rey's Staff too the cut for similar reasons to the above. It's a really good card, even underrated, but again I just found myself favoring ranged damage I could resolve in clumps, or Force Throw specials that were just more impactful.

aesopsphere 310

very nice list

Iness 1

So I entered a tourney tonight going in with Han Rey. I wanted to make changes with what I had currently and then I saw this deck and write up, Great write up btw, very very helpful! So I said screw it, I am going with your deck. I did well besides the fact that I need more playtime with the deck overall which I have decided to stick with Han Rey for a while instead of switching to a million different decks every week....master of none. I went 2/1 loosing only to a Eballa, Jango, Trooper. She rolled amazing and I had a bad early hand with 0 upgrades. I was concerned about not playing awakening but it did not seem like an issue at all, however the +3 on Jetpack or +2 on Rey would be nice to get off from time to time. I also am still on the fence about not having a Hyperspace jump when I do not get the battlefield. The game I lost I did not have it, not sure how much that actually screwed me. (Hers was Separatist Base) Also on the fence with Daring Escape, I get it, the more I put some thought into it. I could see it doing very well, "underrated" like you said but I just did not have the resources to play it when it was in my hand. Anyhow, great deck, thank you for posting it!

Reklawyad 65

I will try this list with the following change : -2 Force Throw. +2 Hyperspace Jump. I've found not getting the battlefield time and time again has hurt me. Force throw while, DYNAMITE, of a card, has issues getting out and being good ina deck like this, but I could be wrong so I might Proxy that in there and take out something else for an addition of Hyperspace Jump.

AstroLad 368

@Iness Thanks man -- that's great to hear! The only tournament loss I had (with a slightly inferior version of this deck) was also in a final to Bala/Jango (lost at time believe it or not, with 3 more damage taken :P) but yeah the deck is designed to hold its own against Jango (it was actually designed as a Jango/Veers counter originally since that's my wife's perma-deck) but I wouldn't be foolish enough to say that it consistently tops Jango/Bala. I actually think it matches up quite well with J/V with the removal, but a good player with Jango/Bala is always a major challenge. The intent is to hang with those top-flight Villain decks, while still having the personal and moral satisfaction of being a good guy. :)

I don't love Hyperspace Jump in this deck myself because while it can swing a game, it's more often than not not something I can justify the cost of in actual game situations (not in this deck at least; certainly a slower version with Datapad like Zach Bunn's list it might work with. I also am pretty happy against most battlefields except Emperor's Throne Room which is just brutal for this deck which can barely use it. Also the deck is intended to be a little less reliant on Starship Graveyard with the extra Upgrade or two it has against most standard Han/Rey lists.

AstroLad 368

@Reklawyad yeah let me know how it goes! I just never got to fire off many Jumps in the few dozen games I tested with it, but could be playstyle related. I'm also very possessive of my resources, which is why I have a hard time taking the big of a hit when I'm often looking to set up the next big play, whether it be Second Chance or a fresh DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol. But I absolutely see the theoretical value in it. I've sat across a nice spread of Jango/Bala dice and thought "it might be nice to Hyperspace out of this" but at the same time you are taking a major step back on resources which are the lifeblood of the deck with all the paid damage. I do love huge-swing cards though. I'd by lying if I said I hadn't considered throwing in a Noble Sacrifice to play on a Rey who's about to get Backup Muscle 'd to death to moot a loaded Jango in that 1/100000 game where that scenario actually happens just to see the look on someone's face. :P

AstroLad 368

Got a few requests for matchup advice, so here's my recommendations vs. some of the more common archetypes.

-Jango/Veers: This deck actually started as an attempt to counter my wife's one and only deck -- Jango/Veers -- by keeping pace with it. J/V is a great deck, but there are a lot of tools and tactics in here to deal with it. If you are able to get your Holdout Blaster early you can put it on Rey, activate Han, then decide if you want to disrupt (if you roll it) or roll out Rey to force them to either roll Jango without upgrades from that round, or waive the Jango entirely. You can also consider rolling out Rey first (not common) if you have Negotiate, which is really good against J/V into early midgame. Denying Jango the jump, or even getting a mediocre roll with the jump can allow you to play the more targeted removal like Daring Escape and Deflect. Also dig for Jedi Robes because Rey is incredibly vulnerable in this matchup. Getting the jump here is critical so consider leaving resources or light melee on the table to grab the battlefield, especially if you have Infamous out, or if Rey is one Backup Muscle from dying. Hunker Down is also a fantastic card in this matchup as it's very difficult to kill. Against any Villain aggro deck be really mindful of how you use Draw Attention because these decks can very easily switch focus and catch you completely off guard.

-Vader/Raider: (If you don't know, focus Vader first, every time.) Not as many tricks in here to deal with Vader/Raider as with Jango decks, but I keep Dodge out of this to at least have a fighting chance. I don't usually hold on to Jetpack in the opening hand, but against Vader decks I do because the special is great. Negotiate is also fantastic early. I mulligan out of Hunker Down in most cases, but don't write it off completely. If you can get Jedi Robes on Rey, you can get her to 3 shields and have a decent chance of saving it for a few turns (which is worth it since it cost you no actions and no money). Deflect is mostly a dead card, but don't forget you can deflect your own dice, so if you happen to have a Jetpack +3 you can use it to hit someone for 2 (which is the same cost as Holdout Blaster 2 so not terrible. If Vader rolls poorly, don't be afraid to Daring Escape the remaining threatening dice to make a clear round for yourself. Also when you're mid or lategame and have removal, please don't forget that No Mercy is a thing, so maybe it is worth getting rid of that 2 melee. Or if you think your opponent is hoarding huge Events, it isn't crazy to focus into Rey's discards.

-Luke/Ackbar: Big fan of Hero decks so I love this deck, but this is a really rough matchup for most Luke/Ackbar decks (or any decks that really more heavily on focus). Hold on to your Negotiate dearly because it can blank those Focused Luke dice. Same for the other removal and reroll in the deck. If you have an Electroshock though, kill the Focus because it can't affect Luke's 3 melee. Just like against Vader, Jetpack and Force Throw are disproportionately good here. Also watch out for Force Misdirection if Ackbar has his ranged showing. Might be best to resolve damage in chunks in this case. Also be prepared for All In shenanigans if Ackbar focus and Luke dice are rolled out. If it's a make-or-break turn, try to remove by any means necessary in that case. Like a lot of Red Hero decks, it can be a slow burn at first but it can catch you out of nowhere if you're not planning for it.

-Jango/eBala/Nameless Damage Sponge: If I had a reliable solution to Jango/eBala...I'd have the best deck in the game! Jango/eBala is just amazing. I tried to put as many tools in here to deal with it as possible, but don't get discouraged if you can't reliably beat it because I don't think there is a deck that reliably beats a good player w/ Jango/eBala other than the mirror match. Besides using all your control wisely (ideally to take base damage off the board in mid and late-game turns), don't forget that Fight Dirty is a thing, and again...you won't do it every game but maybe focus/use the Rey discards if you think they're gearing up for that wipe-you-out Fight Dirty turn. The classic ambush-on-Rey Han-roll Disrupt move works really well here early because the deck is far less scary without its upgrades. Also be mindful of Reversal if you happen to have a 3 out that you can resolve.

-Mill: Many aggro players underrate mill a bit. Mill is especially good against this deck if you're not extremely mindful and thinking of your hand as basically hit points. When playing Mill (any deck that runs Command Center), you have to completely change your mindset. Focus only on playing the powerful upgrades you'll use all game and almost never overwrite (hard for a Han/Rey player to do, I know). Do get Infamous out though because you might run into turns where there are 4 discards showing and you can just spam out 3-4 cards that you'd lose anyway. Just remember that with just 2-3 decent upgrades you will very likely win if mill isn't achieved. Don't get greedy with rerolls or putting a third upgrade on a character. Claim the battlefield whenever you can even if it means leaving resources or light damage on the board.

Hope that's helpful! Shout if you have any problem matchups or interesting tactics or cards you've used against the tougher decks.