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johnjbest 1

based on cards I have.

2 комментария

Ajones47 576

So without knowing how many cards you have or what they are, I feel like you need to cut the number of Supports you have in half, and increase the number of Upgrades you have in deck by at least five. There's no hard-and-fast rule, but the best decks have 12-14 dice in their draw deck, and only a couple of Supports.

If you have two Villain starter sets (as the presence of two F-11D's seems to imply) then you should throw in that second Immobilize, and that second Infantry Grenades. Put in Mind Probe (even though the Nightsister is a little bit too squishy for it) if only for the chance to spring it on your opponent. The Lightsaber isn't great in a Ranged Damage deck, but if you've got a second one, add that too.

You have two each of Drudge Work and Underworld Connections - you can happily cut one of these (probably Drudge Work) as nothing in your deck really costs enough to justify that much economy. Keep the TIE Fighters and Backup Muscle, but trim Power of the Dark Side when you gain some more dice upgrades.

Good spread of Events. I'd almost drop 2x Aim for 2x Intimidate, but that's a personal choice.

I know it can be annoying when you put this kind of deck together, doing the best you can with the resources at hand, and someone lumbers in and starts telling you what you should do instead. Hopefully my comments weren't too disheartening. It's really a rather well constructed budget deck, it just needs a little balance tweak between Upgrades and Support. :)

johnjbest 1

@Ajones47 thanks for the feedback... Right now I am limited in number of upgrades, and pretty much using all the villain options I have... I do have some boosters planned to arrive soon.. so we will see what shows up... I may add some proxy cards to balance out the deck a bit.