Оригинальный дизайн: Alsciende (NetrunnerDB and ThronesDB).
Модифицировал и адаптировал для SW Destiny: fafranco82.
Перевод на английский: fafranco82.
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Информация, представленная на этом сайте об игре Star Wars Destiny, как текстовая, так и графическая, принадлежит Fantasy Flight Games. Этот сайт не создавался, не одобрялся, не поддерживается компанией Fantasy Flight Games, и никак с ней не связан.
What's your opinion on using supports in a deck like this? Don't you want to be claiming every round? Every Support played on the board is another action each round, potentially slowing you down to the point where your opponent can claim the battlefield from you. If you're playing vs another super cheap aggro deck, would you just skip playing the supports?
Also, why no Datapad or Comlink (the makers)?
I think with this list I'd drop the Tie Fighters for 2x Datapad, the Aims for 2x Nowhere to Run, and the All Ins for 2x Logistics. Logistics is crazy in your starting hand and Datapad gives you 2 more upgrades to equip when you claim the battlefield if you have no . You can use them as replacement fodder if anything.