Colored helmets with a hotshot

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Colored helmets with a hotshot (version 2) 0 0 0 2.0

Rando_Mando 161

Wolffe combos well with Fives. Allowing 3 clone trooper dice rolled out and 3 dealt just by activating your characters. Using wolffe's action cheating ability to activate both at once can be amazing. And in a Han-dash meta Hampered slows them down. Command and Conquer has some huge effects because we resolve the whole card for 3 effects that are amazing for speed and tempo. Medic! Has huge first turn healing that can give more tempo and slow down your opponent. Seizing Territory To allow for Wolffe's action to be used more consistantly. The removal cards are a simple yet effective package in this deck. Rebel Assault is great against Hondo decks (now top in the meta), Measure for Measure isn't the best but taking a clone blank for a 4 can be awesome against Anakin, and finally Assail no point not including this card as we have Kazuda. Speaking of Kazuda he is great against vehicle decks allowing you to reek havoc on Blizzard 1 and allows more tempo control with Merchant Freighter and Redemption. As for weapons I didn't really include many. I went with a more survival aspect to this deck. Putting Veteran of War was a call I made instead of some more weapons because of it's ability and special. allowing healing, boost in damage, and removal. I just can't leave that aside. Want some real clone troopers in the deck? Just use Kamino Cloning Facility. They get the benefit of rerolling their dice 3 times (with fives). So damage is constant. Conscript Squad adding something that activates with Wollfe so it doesn't slow us down but allows for a little boost in damage. And of course a red ranged deck would be right without Focused Fire. 1 cost for 2 damage. Nothing bad about that. So your probably wondering about the battlefield choice. I went with Pyke Syndicate Mine - Kessel because we can spot a diceless character pretty much all the time, and against decks that value every single card, this can do some disrupt in their plans (And make a bit of money on the side).

Please if you have any better combos with these people or better card ideas please leave a comment.

Or leave a comment telling me how crazy I am and that this will never work. That's cool too.

Updated Deck Here: DeckLink

3 комментария

Conor_King 19

Very interesting theory. Have you actually gotten it on the table?

lukusbiriyani 8

this is amazing

Rando_Mando 161

@Conor_King I was going to get it out tonight and give it a go.

@lukusbiriyani Thanks.