Incendiary Trandos Redemption update

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Incendiary Trandos 0 0 0 1.0
Основа для
Еще ничего.

Buffybot 323

Added Everybody Profits and removed Sliced Terminal.

Incendiary Stockpile gives DX-2 Disruptor Blaster Pistol and Gauntlet Rockets five damage sides, and also makes nice use of the Trando disrupt sides. Combined with Any Means Necessary, keeps your reroll needs to a minimum.

Play Everybody Profits and Faltering Allegiances early, see where the damage lands, then choose who to play your downgrades on.

Pyke Sentinel keeps your Hunters alive longer.

Truce helps get a first-round Gauntlet Rockets down, especially if you're not playing in the Nightsister Lair - Dathomir.

1 комментарий

majobasil 24

This looks fun. I may give it a try.