Palpatine and PiggyBank (MDMW)

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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TinyFAST 7

The Gamorrean Guard is there exclusively to block damage to Palpatine - Unlimited Power in the 1st rounds. He also brings the possibility to add 2 Smuggling Ring giving Palpatine - Unlimited Power the necessary resources to regurlarly add abilities.

If you don't have a Smuggling Ring in your initial hand, discard non-essential cards (including abilities that cost more then 1) during the set-up to maximize your chance of getting one. Palpatine - Unlimited Power can hold his own until you draw some abilities.

While some of Palpatine - Unlimited Power's abilities will enable you to reroll, set or remove some of your opponent's dice, Change of Fortune and Execute Order 66 will provide the necessary back-up.

On The Hunt gives you the opportunity to remove all shields from your opponent's primary character and Formidable to pile up weapons and equipments onto the secondary character. Thus depriving your opponent's primary character with strategic/name sake weaponary/equipment and forcing your opponent to discard all upgrades pass the upgrade limit on the secondary character.

Activate Palpatine - Unlimited Power quickly to give him time to resolve his for shields or those with specials that can disrupt your opponent's offensive capabilities. You can always play an ability after activating him and use his Power Action to roll the die into your pool after.

Activate your Gamorrean Guard only to remove a damage die. If your opponent's dice don't give him the opportunity (don't forget reroll or turn) to deal more damage to Palpatine - Unlimited Power then the number of shields he has, then don't waste time with activiting the Gamorrean Guard and Claim the Battlefield instead.


1) Don't forget that you need 4 set-aside copies of Execute Order 66.

2) I do not recommand using this deck in a game with more than one opponent. Palpatine - Unlimited Power is a magnet against coordinated attacks in a multiplayer game. :-) They will ALL hit him hard and fast.

Constructive comments and feedback are appreciated :-)

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