"Diceless" Clone Troopers

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Образована от
Rex Kes #RedHeroRevival [Jedi Trials] 34 26 12 1.0
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clauberalex 36

Just a fun ideia to test these new cards! Both Arc Trooper Fives - ARC-5555 and Clone Commander Wolffe - Staunch Strategist are elite.

Although this is a fast aggro deck, each character only has 8 health, so be wary before committing to upgrades with no redeploy (Handheld L-S1 Cannon and Rex's Blaster Pistol) and make good use of First Aid, Riot Shield and Field Medic.

With the field, you are able to activate all of your characters at once, causing 2 automatic indirect damage and rolling 4 Clone Trooper die into your pool, which you can rerrol up two times each (and even one more time from the field, but only for the die linked to the Clone Trooper character).

Try to hard mulligan for First Aid and Conscript Squad, equip redeploy weapons on Arc Trooper Fives - ARC-5555 (as he will probably be targeted first) and roll away!

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