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And I Want Them Alive, NO DISINTEGRATIONS! (Please help me m 0 0 0 2.0

irchris5000 2

I haven't decided whether or not to focus on damage output or more control aspects of the deck. If I want more control, I would probably put in "Cocky" and take out take out: Force Choke x1 , and Use the Force.

The object of the deck should be fairly obvious.

3 комментария

RyanSkywalkerE 26

How come trandoshian hunter is not elite?

RyanSkywalkerE 26

Also how come u ironically don’t have no disintegration’s or no good to me dead

irchris5000 2

so the trando hunter is elite, but the system wont let me punish unless I'm under point value. But rest assured, the trando is elite.