Rex, Rose & the Red Rebel Trooper

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Rex, Rose & the Red Rebel Trooper 0 0 0 2.0
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NicholasKroyer 1

This deck is designed to keep you alive as long as possible and sting the opponent with little jabs till they collaps.

In first hand, look for a support that can take advantage of Rose' special (Bubble Shield, HWK-290, Crait Speeder or Bomber). With a little dice-luck, you can get HWK down and not take any indirect damage. First aid is also something to look for.

Roll out Rex and get your the battlefield. If it's your battlefield, then you have mitigation in the power action, but you also need it for Defensive and Superior Position. If you get the only upgrade, stick it on the Clone Trooper to draw attention. You want to keep Rose alive to remove damage and collect coin. But if they go after Rose anyways you still have two characters with agressive dice.

Built up your arsenal and stay alive - eventually you will have enough power to plow through.

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