Battle At Bunsen Winner - Lumberdroids

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Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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Another Chopper/Droids variant 0 0 0 1.0

RebelTraitor 259

Ran the tables at the battle at Bunsen with this deck. Was streamed on Artificery.

Swiss Rounds: Vader/Droid/Retribution W. Reylo(Joe) W Reylo(Yeti) W

Top cut: Ewoks(Xelan) W Reylo(Yeti) W 2-1

2 Chewie's Blaster is the way to go. So is scruffy.

6 комментариев

General Vatutin 26

Ran the Really. O!G what a surprise. Your rock beat scissors, scissors, and more scissors. What a fucking snot nose comment. Ran the tables. Who the duck are you bitch? You know nothing John Snow. Yeah, you their Huckleberry.

Bye bye destiny. Your “destiny” was short lived. Stupid meta.

General Vatutin 26

Look up fucking no limit hold’em and play for something important...something real instead of this bullshit bragging rights—three people care about...three of which only pretend to care.

If you can’t buy a car, let alone a a mf house with your short shit achievement, it ain’t nothing to nobody, nohow. Stick the double negatives into that thick skull of yours and get a real hobby making some real bank. You’re likely smart so I’ll make this simple. Time is the fire in which we Don’t waste time. If you want to “play” a mf game, make some mf money doing it. Get your bearings. This game is dead. So you can follow a bunch dead outlaws into a futile effort at glory only to e d up on the wrong end of a gun(time). You kids, wife, and friends will ultimately only think less of you for wasting your mf talents on shit pursuits. Yeah, at least you weren’t screwing cooked out hookers will be their solace when speaking about you.

You ain’t getting pussy or if married paying for a vacation to Europe playing this shit game which is only doing the opposite of loosing you money while having margin fun compared to what your brilliant brain could be racking in. Instead prove your nerves and metal playing a real card game making real money. Then you can talk about “running a table.” Until then, shut your fat ass up, get to the YMCA, and start barring down on a noble pursuit. STOP WASTING YOUR TIME.

-my last comment about this shit fucking FF game which only exposes my own waste of talent, waste of money, waste of time, and all in a wasted effort that can never be reclaimed. What is dead may never die...except I’m not dead so I shouldn’t be wasting my life on a dead game. Fuck your FF. Funk the community. Fuck me. Fuck out.

GregtheBiz 391

@General Vatutin All ya gotta do is just wipe all that sand out of your va-jay-jay. Itll be OK.

BananaCrapshoot 80

Holy shit. @General Vatutin who pissed in your Cheerios?

jedidomer 58

@General Vatutin sorry to see you go, hope all is OK

Seananigans0528 50

@General Vatutin Bye Loser.