Droids to Last

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Old Ben Kenobi 52

Took this to Canadian Nats and placed 13th, 3-3 during swiss, trying to bring something relatively unique. However while one game was a clear loss vs eJabba / Wat / Sentinel, the other two losses were very close (I think by one health each, or at least the final one was). In hindsight I misplayed a bit as I don't practice enough, and there's likely some tweaks possible to the deck.

This used to be blue Ezra / Enfys Nest Marauder / eSatine with Built to Last, but the droid pair are awesome and allows for red cards too.

Basically the unique upgrades are all redeploy and (most) cost one less, making all of them fantastic. There's shields, unblockable, 3+ wide damage (electroripper), and a host of damage possible. Using Ewok ambush and DDO along with Rex blaster (important to claim if it's out) you try to stay ahead of the opponent to resolve a few big dice without their being able to do anything about it.

Mulligan for a unique upgrade, ideally Rex blaster, Han dice, or Yoda saber, and ewok ambush / DDO, and keep low-cost things in first hand.

I'm posting online for the purpose of sharing, and would welcome any feedback on small card changes. Thanks in advance.

Love this game. Let's keep those dice rolling.

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