Yub Nub Rebellion (3-1 store tourney)

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Yub Nub Rebellion (version 2) 0 0 0 2.0

Fromper 130

I wasn't sure about this, but it went 3-1 at our local store, with the only loss coming to our Regional champion playing his current best deck that he's thinking of taking to Worlds. This definitely needs some changes, though.

I put in redeploy weapons in the hope of using them on an ewok, then having him die, and getting to use the same weapon a second time that round. It happened a couple of times, but not enough to make it worthwhile to put in inferior damage dice. The +ranged sides on the E-11 Blasters went unresolved often enough that I'll probably replace them with Resistance Crait Speeders or something. Also, I think I want more damage dice in general, so Ewok Bows or a second Canto Bight Pistol are worth considering.

I never played Convergence in 4 games, due to its high cost. I think Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder is good enough defense against cards I don't want to see. That one has to stay in, just in case I'm facing blue villain and need to protect myself from Fear and Dead Men.

I feel like I was low on money regularly, so I'd like to try and squeeze in one or two of Well-Connected or Truce. Maybe instead of Target Acquired. That's a situationally good card, but I really didn't get much use out of it.

I'm also tempted to replace the Clone Trooper with C-3PO - Perfect Gentleman, both for thematic reasons, and for more cash. 3PO has two money sides, the ability to resolve his die before it's removed, and occasionally boost a damage die if I have spare cash lying around.

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