Special Stuff - SoH Update

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CactusTravis 86

Take out Barterings for Masterminds.

Take out Hunter Instinct and Black Sun Blaster Pistol for Cultural Records.

This deck struggled by getting easy pickings/The Best Defense.

Both these cards have 2 special sides, come down turn 1 and address the problem cards in opponents hand.

Seems like an upgrade overall.

I am excited to see how this works out with the new support as I have been working on this deck for 6 months lol.

5 комментариев

Prepared for gaming 25

You should not take out hunter instinct from your deck it is one the few damage dealing specials in the deck. You also should run Unscrupulous it has three specials and a solid effect. Black sun pistol definitely needs to go out because it is too expensive. I am worried that Cultural Records may be too slow but that would require further testing.

CactusTravis 86

@Prepared for gaming I think I agree that Hunter Instinct should probably stay. I am mainly playtesting with mastermind and cultural records to see how they perform.

I do need a bit more damage in the deck so I think both Culturals might switch back to hunter instincts to push through the last few points when I end up easy pickings/the best defensed.

Getting both jabba specials removed feels terrible and I need a backup plan to score some damage when that happens. I love pryce but removing her special to get to a jabba special feels bad. Wondering if a three wide pair might be better? I dont think I can get two dice with two special sides otherwise though

Prepared for gaming 25

I personally run Jabba and Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician so that way if jabba’s dice are removed I still have potential damage via her special and ranged sides. She also is a leader trooper so you can still use military camp.

CactusTravis 86

@Prepared for gamingThat makes sense. I recently run that Phasma with two mud troopers

Prepared for gaming 25

Starter set phasma is pretty solid with good die sides all the way around