Gungan Standard

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Gungan Trilogy 8 6 4 2.0
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nonameface 197

Additions for convergence
-2 Well-Connected
-1 On The Mark
-1 Intense Fire
+2 Near Miss
+2 Riot Shield

I took out a little bit of our 'tricks' to add in plain old tankiness to give us that extra round we need for the indirect damage to pile on and do its work. Intense Fire is not as automatic in the convergence meta with a lot more red running around than we had before. If you prefer to have a similar 'surprise' card try Motivate you can even get a resource off it it like another Logistics if you like.

With Rotation upon us, I have updated my Gungan deck to be Trilogy legal so this can be used as a framework for a standard legal deck after the release of Convergence.

Updates for the Trilogy Version:
-2 Aftermath
-1 Blaze of Glory
+1 On The Mark
+2 Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder

Some more tips for running this deck. Don't hesitate to Vandalize a priority upgrade or support, the earlier the better. Your Gungan die just aren't worth keeping unless you god rolled them. taking out a Darksaber or Vibrocutlass or even a Vader's Fist cannot be overstated. One round without your gungan dice are better than losing a gungan every round because you let something like that stick around.

Use your On The Mark if you absolutely need to kill off a specific character (like DJ in Bring Your Blood Pressure Medication). If you happen into the combo (which is admittedly hard because both are 1-of in the deck) of On The Mark and Intense Fire can surprise snipe a character down.

Look for cards that are able to blow you out with your Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder. I'm usually looking for cards like Fear and Dead Men or Vader's Fist. If you get it later game you can hit a Rise Again. I generally dont use this to fish for removal but instead cards that can cause a huge swing or blow out.

Original Text:
Lots of money available in this deck with Crackdown, Logistics, Well-Connected, and Aftermath. I also resolve almost every money side I roll and everyone has one except the Runaway Boomas.

Basic play tips: Roll in all gungans, blanks are great as long as Boss Nass - Bombastic Ruler is alive. Resolve good sides like 2 indirect and money before rerolling with Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast if you can. I usually save jar jar until I need to reroll their dice or most of my own are in the pool (why not get a free reroll on most of the bad dice.)

Always power action in extra Runaway Boomas dice, you can usually afford it. Fix them with Senate Chamber. If I dont roll the 2 focus side with it, I'll remove a Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast die or something else bad to turn it to the 2 focus.

You dont have a ton of removal but its all multi-die removal so spend your money on your removal before you spend it getting in a bit more damage.

Boss Nass - Bombastic Ruler is usually the first target. Make them pay for killing him with a Diplomatic Protection. Really beefs everyone else up once you get all the shields on everyone else. Gives you a whole other Gungan Warrior worth of health.

13 комментариев

MCgames706 13

Solid list !! I want tro try Gungans in this meta /TTS .

Fluff 15

Nice update! No dumb luck, Locked and Loaded, Strength in Numbers, Cover Team or Catapult?

General Vatutin 26

Aftermath is being you are good there. Since this is a funzzy deck, you could likely ask your opponent after they kill you to swap a couple of older cards out. Most people just want a good game. Heck even add a boss Die for pete’s Sake. Since this is just another FF screw up, you’ll get so latitude. Just say Jeramy said it was ok.

General Vatutin 26

And for Pete sake, just count the Gungan as “troopers” and pretend the riot shields are Ion-whatever force shields. If someone doesn’t at the very least allow that, find a new person to play with.

General Vatutin 26

By the way, good job!

nonameface 197

@Fluff I have played around with all of those (except strength in numbers) at one point or another and I just didn't feel like they did enough for their cost. Dumb luck for example, pay 1 to reroll which I can do for free just by pitching a card. You really need to use 5 dice for it to be worth doing, and then you're never really happy with the results you get. If they all land black you're mad because you paid 1 for nothing, if they all land blank it's alright...ish, but now you've got 5 blanks you're unhappy with. I never felt happy with my outcomes from it.

Gungans catapult is alright, I preferred runaway boomas though as they're easier to play (3 instead of 4) and if I have extra money I can get extra die which makes it more resistant to removal.

All of those cards you mentioned would be appropriate for this deck though if anyone is trying to build this and needs substitution ideas.

Fluff 15

@General Vatutin Why not just use Shapeshifters in place of GWs so they can be troopers when you need them to? Another option is Stealthy.

Fluff 15

@nonameface thanks for the thoughtful response! I like this deck a lot and I'm working in tweaking this a bit for our next store tournament. What are your thoughts on the following?

I'm curious about a different mitigation approach using reconstruct together with suppressive fire (and possibly even with suppression field). Another approach I'd like to get feedback on is Resistance Ring paired with multiple copies of Field Medic, Mend etc...

Secondly, I'm trying to figure out how to get some more shields on Boss and wondering about Republic Cruiser or Diplomatic Protection?

What do you think about using Hired Muscle and/or Sonic Detonators in place of Boomas?

Finally, would it worth considering AoN plot to sub a GW out for a Guardian character like Naboo Guard or Jedi Temple Guard? In particular I think he JT Guard is intriguing bc it brings WotF upgradd into play to make that card Elite. Another thought was subbing Lil Ani and his podracer in for a continual flow of shields.

Thanks for your time!

nonameface 197

@Fluff. I wouldn't use upgrades in place of supports. Whoever gets the Sonic detonators is going to be public enemy #1 and will unlikely live long enough to make it worth paying to play it. Never play things like electropole on boss nass, he doesn't need any more of a Target on his back. And sticking diplomatic protection on him is a great play. Getting 6 shields when he goes down for everyone else is a lot of extra 'health'.

I seriously considered the resistance ring and field medic and it's worth playing around with and trying I think. I tend to prefer proactive removal instead of healing though, you sometimes get unlucky and lose a character if you're waiting to heal it instead of removing dice.

I wouldn't replace the boomas with anything to be honest, if you need to I would use gungans catapult. Hired muscle feels bad when you can't pay to resolve it. Atleast with boomas you get 1 die without pay sides and if you have the money you can get another.

Supressive fire is good, im not sure it's worth getting too tricky trying to recurr it with reconstruct. Good against Vader (when he activates, but not for his power action after you remove it once), but many other dice we need to remove aren't character die -- Things like Entourage, Vader's fist, and shadowcasters.

I would never play AoN, the downsides are too much to overcome in the short 3-4 round games we get with this meta in destiny. You're basically fore going you're entire first turn with AoN.

General Vatutin 26

I agree on the proactive mitigation vs. heal. However, I do like Bubble shield and Crash landing which can be a bit slow. They are nice for a late turn drop of one resource. Of course, if the bubbles are on the bottom, yikes.

Aftermath will be a key addition soon with its reprint. What will you take out?

nonameface 197

I would take out Near Miss or Riot Shield probably for Aftermath if I felt I needed it. I used to run it in previous versions and it does play well. Money is tight in this deck. I never felt like aftermath was critical though, many times I would just prefer to have a Well-Connected or a Truce because when I need a money I need it right now. I did use it though and it is a fine addition.

General Vatutin 26


Fluff 15

Great stuff, thanks for all the good conversation and ideas all! Playing a variation of this tonight but with eNass/eJarJar/1xGW + Armored Support and Padmes Starship to start off. Gonna try to get the focus going early and often! Will post the deck if it goes well ;)