The specialists (1 place in local champ) Russia, Kemerovo

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svys 9

Hello from Siberia!

This is a favorite deck at the moment, showing incredible results in games. Several cards require replacement, but I do not have important yellow events, for example Easy Pickings

I did not play against tier1 decks, what do you think will be the odds?

Thank you for your attention, waiting for comments!)

3 комментария

AK01 1

I would swap Unscrupulous for Poe Dameron's Blaster because hondo would be probably the first target(it should in my opinion),also you may need money for entourage. Also Handheld L-S1 Cannon can be helpful :)

Bminny 48

Why Resistance Ring? You only have 5 red events. Also, more guns could probably be good. I'd say getting Easy Pickings would be the next step, that card is crazy good

svys 9

@BminnyResistance Ring - powerfull card, we need more heal and play Field Medic multiple times. Also i pitch red cards to reroll and play it in late game. In addition, the ring can be good against mill, to play No Answer or heal)

I did not notice the shortage of guns - all games ended up winning in 3-4 rounds