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Umagro 7
This deck still has some work that needs done, but it performed well at a recent tournament. The goal of this deck is, essentially, to have your opponent discard 2-3 cards every turn and then use Leia's Power Action on Lando's 4 resource die. Resistance Ring let's you re-use a lot of heals and smuggling ring keeps the resources coming in hot. A lot of people will complain about the Bespin Wing Guard, but I've always utilized it in my best mill decks and it hasn't done me wrong yet.
The main weakness I have seen are Vader decks when you lose the battlefield roll off as fighting pit can just be deadly. Here are the results.
Match 1- eSnoke/Watto/FoT: This match was pretty well in hand despite losing the battlefield roll off. I was able to mill round 3, and got some great Easy Pickings on some combo removals on Vader's Fist/Handcannon 3 gun sides. Neither character dropped until the end when Leia got killed by a 10 roll out, but, at that point, he only had 1 card left in hand.
Match 2- eAayla/eYoda (Built to Last): This match was a grind as I used most of my resources on removal or healing with Dex's Diner, and never actually drew any upgrades or supports until round 3. Bespin Wing Squad+No Answer killed the last two cards the end the round.
Match 3- eLeia/eYoda: This was a down to the wire mill off. We both finished round 4 with 1 card in hand, and, getting to go first, I was able to Bespin Wing Squad and claim to be safe. I was lucky enough to have enough shields on both simply due to wasted rolls that I couldn't be dealt any actual damage afterwards.
Match 4- Vader/eWatto: This match would have been tough regardless when I lost the battlefield roll in a fighting pit with Vader... however, I just had no chance as I only rolled Lando's 4 side once the entire game and Leia never rolled a focus or 2 discard side. The combination of that and Vader getting 10 damage from 3 fighting pit rolls just made it impossible for me to mount a comeback with Leia falling by round 3, and Lando being finished in round 5.
How often did you find yourself using Moxie? It's always seemed like an odd inclusion in this deck to me, since while Leia's PA is powerful, it also causes the removal of the die. I've been thinking about Unscrupulous instead of it, to help Lando finish out the games that Leia dies in.