Doctor Wat's Messenger (Multiple Local Event Winner)

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joelker41 174

I had been brainstorming how to use Wat and the Assassin Droid combination and I settled on this version of the deck through a lot of playtests.

It has extremely close games in its losses due to the many and varied options it has. Wat's power action with an Assassin Droid (3 of them in this deck in fact) is downright silly. You combine that with Energize, tons or rerolls/some focus and you can get a lot of value for 2 cost assuming you didnt tech team that round.

Couple notes about the deck:

-Bendu has been a unique deterrent. He almost never gets chosen by either player and it gains me shields most games because of it. I have chosen him a few times when I won however. Petranaki Arena is a possible BF for it.

-Forsaken is a great card that I have considered exploring with this set up. The sentinel can easily get it started and it can be an invaluable card I will research.

-3 Assassin Droids and 3 Bubble Shields is absolutely killer. I've had multiple opponents waste dice to vandalize an assassin droid but my ramp and options have still won. Having 3 of those great supports is key to the deck. Energize+ Wat can give you 3 auto damage a round and still a dice with 3 ranged sides. The out of hand/auto damage is very rough when combined with 0-0-0's effect all game.

-Droid Commandos may seem like an odd choice. The reason they are in here is synergy. The Hailfire tank is actually counter to the deck's overall strategy as it activates Droids but you don't want that with Wat's power action. The commandos offer 4 damage sides and with Wat bring some pain twice in a round with only one pay side. The 2 discard side is also fantastic. One tech team and you get that die in for 2 money twice in a turn. Not bad at all.

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