Phasma/Watto Janky Big Stuff (4-2 at GQ Denver)

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nez477 134

Thought I'd quickly post and recap a great day at the GQ in the afternoon standard event.

This deck was super fun to play. I've always been a Friends in High Places big stuff fan and so I decided to do a somewhat different Phasma build to try and really ramp up.

Some of the deck is obvious. The best route is just start with Megablaster Troopers and use that and Phasma's power action to Vandalize and deal good damage. This is nothing new. The Entourage build is also pretty obvious.

But what's different in this deck is the Grand Moff/Mean Streets - Correlia combo that can really create havoc, as well as the Delving into other big cards like Planetary Bombardment.

After playing today, I should've just gotten rid of the Darksaber and Kallus' Bo-Rifle as they never saw play. The supports are too good and are really the focus. With 2x Entourage and 2x Megablaster and 2x Moff, those were the three cards that I'd start with.


Game 1: Aphra/eGrievous/Messenger, WIN, 1-0.

My opponent just didn't get his system going, no BT-1 or 0-0-0. Overall this wasn't that close as I got the Megablaster down on turn 1 and was able to kill Grievous early in round 2 and with just 2 character dice and no great supports, there wasn't much damage to worry about.

Game 2: Snoke/Watto/FOST, WIN, 2-0.

The first round was really the deciding factor. We both had a Megablaster Trooper and Vandalize in our hands. I won the race to get the Megablaster Trooper out and then I Vandalized his. Was able to do 3 damage to Snoke that first round, and then the 2nd round focused all of my fire onto Snoke. Don't remember much else about how I got the damage in but that first round was key getting such an advantage.

Game 3: ePhasma/FOST/Advanced Training, WIN, 3-0.

SUPER fast game. I won the rolloff and chose Mean Streets, which was key. It is on the Artificery stream (5:45:00 mark in the long video). Third game in a row I got the Megablasters down early, which helps obviously. I was disciplined and let my opponent resolve all of his FOST/Phasma dice and my Phasma was at 9 damage right away (including an Intense Fire play). My dice were solid as well though and I put 7 into Phasma round 1.

Round 2 was big in general. My opponent Best Defensed a blank and a 2r Megablaster die to put 3 damage on FOST, which made sense to ensure less damage on Phasma. He had 4 damage showing on 3 dice, but I was able to get 2x Riot Shields on Phasma. So he resolves the dice, only one health left on my Phasma. He rolls lethal on the FOST die. Assuming Phasma is dead, I resolve her focus to get damage on my FOST dice. The lethal die just sits there and then I end up killing the FOST. So Phasma lives. Bad misplay on my opponents part.

In round 3 I get to power action Phasma again (again she should be dead). He kills her too late. I vandalize his Conscript Squad, and then the big play that really swung the game for me was Mean Streets into a Conveyex Robbery, swinging 4 damage.

Round 4 was close, he did some damage into Watto, bringing him to just 4 health remaining. I get my 2nd Megablaster Troopers out and do 2 to his Phasma who has one health remaining, then he does 2 into Watto, 2 health remaining. I reroll my last FOST die and get 1r and I win. I was fortunate to win.

Game 4: eLeia/eLando mill, WIN, 4-0

This is what I teched for with the Grand Moff. It was huge, not only for the Mean Streets but for the focus. Without it I don't win. David played his deck great but I had the right combo of Grand Moff and delving into a Planetary Bombardment.

On turn one my opponent could've milled 4 but didn't, taking resources first instead, that was big. I mulliganed to get the Grand Moff so I ensured I got enough resources for that and then changed the battlefield. No damage turn 1 as Leia used Field Medic on the 2 damage I did get in.

I got Megblaster down in round 2. Grand Moff/Phasma 4 focus combo did get me some ranged damage showing, but.... dodge. BLah. Got 3 more in to Leia but its not going that well.

Round 3 I only have 9 cards in my pile. I have a hand of Delve, Planetary Bombardment, Entourage, Vigilance, Sonic Detanators. I assumed that David would roll out Lando and I was waiting on Vigilance, but no, he used it to get shields. I thought that was it. I did get the Bombardment down. Grand Moff does its thing focusing again, and then he dodges again. Blah. I did get 5 ind from Bombardment. He mills 4. I have a hand of 4 left.

Round 4, I forgot to take resources. I already had 5. I should've had 7. That would've been key. But anyway, I I'm able to keep one card in hand to go to round 5, I killed Lando that round, then round 5 I play Domination and Entourage down, I keep one card in my hand. I get one more round and get a good Planetary Bombardment roll to win. Was so close. Going 6 rounds against mill was awesome.

Game 5: eSaw/ePadme, LOSS, 4-1.

I didn't get the Megatroopers and I didn't get really any mitigation. Saw ended with 5 health and a Pirate Speeder Tank roll did me in. Rough game.

Game 6: eLor/eSatine/Rose, LOSS, 4-2.

He had two Smuggling Rings on turn 1 and just pumped out resources like crazy. It is so hard to play around it because my disrupt sides do nothing. After my loss to Saw/Padme I was happy to just have a game with less pressure, and it ended with Rose having one health left and Satine having 2. The constant vehicles and systems gauge on two vehicles was too much to overcome.

That's it!

Thanks for reading. Was a super fun day.

3 комментария

lengelmp 1152

Great job man! This deck was awesome to see in action!

Sabn512 74

How did sonic detonators play out for you?

nez477 134

@Sabn512 i only played them one game. Pretty situational but it is a key die my opponent has to worry about removing in 3-wide. Could probably consider taking it out.