For the Empire!

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
For the Empire! 2 2 0 1.0
Основа для
Еще ничего.

nonameface 197

2x Electroshock
2x Rancorous

2x Well-Connected
2x Entangle

Added some cheaper removal, Entangle was too expensive to play reliably.

I tried to put together something with Captain Phasma - Stormtrooper Commander that could benefit from all the character dice. I wanted to fit the plot Advanced Training in because we dont have much health here and need to make sure we're able to get our damage in as fast as possible -- We can't afford to leave dice on the table.

I tried swapping in the staple cheap yellow supporting character Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary for the FOST in an attempt to put some of the best yellow events we could in here. The major one I wanted to try to fit in was Vandalize since we have plenty of character dice to make use of it. The rest is mostly resources from hand so we can afford to play our supports.

Let me know what you think, or if I missed an obvious cards that should be included!

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