Obi-Wan / Satine Kryze - Convergence Starter // T3 Gaming

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Obi-Wan / Satine Kryze 0 0 0 1.0

symbio 239

symbio here from T3 Gaming. This list was created using 2 copies of the Convergence Obi-Wan Starter. I picked what I thought were the best cards while still playing at least 1 copy of ever card to build a Standard 30 card legal deck.

This list is designed to help newer players take 2 sets and build a deck they can play with against another starter deck and/or a standard deck. Welcome new players!! We hope you love this game as much as we do!

You can view our learn to play introduction video using the 2 Convergence Starter Decks:

Also, checkout the Grievous/Command Droid list that niftynick put together:

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