Wat & Watt's Snokin Support Factory

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greg_windshield 17

Interest in trying both of these guys with Snoke as there money sides are solid and with Snoke - Supreme Leaderpower action and Watto - Stubborn Gambler money is super abundant. I also like Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman here for the splash of Red as well as not to mention his money sides synergize with snoke and focus for the supports. I played this a few rounds and while maybe a little slow round one, was able to pretty consistently get out multiple powerful supports early, and with watto's shop some interesting play where maybe I had enough money to get out a smaller support like hailfire and senate chamber, but for that round senate chamber is used i can toss for extra cash into the next round hopefully drawing into a fist or bombartment. Not a perfect deck by any means, could be terrible - was fun to play but curious on feedback and thoughts!

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