Qi'ra, Mother of Jawas (Trilogy for now!)

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I started thinking about how best to use No Allegiance. Logically each neutral character getting +1 health means the more neutrals you can include the more you benefit from the plot. At 33 health I think I accomplished that.

Normally a neutral only deck would be a real challenge, but the ability on Qi'Ra makes all yellow events open to you. I tried to include as much as possible to slough the damage off of Qi'ra and onto one of the Jawa Scavenger's. Allowing hopefully enough time to get weapons on Qi'ra that make up for her only having a single die. Things like Macrobinoculars are admittedly terrible, but when you are limited to neutral gray and yellow upgrades there is not much to chose from, having the dice out and possibly getting a shield off of it are the best case scenario.

I have not had a chance to test this deck yet, any suggestions would be welcomed.

3 комментария

MalaciousMawloc 151

I’ve played this deck before, in Old Standard. It was a blast, planned explosion made it 1000 times trollier.

The deck is a blast but don’t actually expect it to perform well. I’d recommend adding one or two Daring Gambit, Pirate Speeder Tanks, and Well-Connecteds or No Good to me dead for some cash generation. Also Bartering is 1000000000 times better than Macrobinoculars


@MalaciousMawlocThanks! Immediately after posting this I made a few tweaks. Somehow I missed bartering. I totally understand it won't be great, but it will be fun! Excited about some of the new yellow I can incorporate soon!

Cal 30

Into The Garbage Chute is a grey hero card, so it doesn't work with Qi'Ra. =(