Hamilton,ON Regional 5th place - 22 players - 1/19/2019

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Mantaeus 37

Variation of the Madrid GQ mill deck.

Round 1 - Bye Round 2 - Win (eBeckett/eHondo) Round 3 - Loss (eTalzin/eFN-2199/AR) Round 4 - Win (eVader3/Greedo) Round 5 - Win (eHan3/eQi'ra)

Going into the top 4 cut there was a 5-0 and 4x 4-1. Missed top 4 cut by .01 on extended strength of schedule.

Teched against vehicles, as they seemed popular at the previous Toronto regional. After seeing the field I would have preferred more hard removal. The loss was a tough pill and showed how the deck flounders when Lando never sees the 4 side.

2 комментария

Cobalta 13

Why Escape Craft and only 1 Second Chance in the deck?

Mantaeus 37

Escape Craft, at 1 resource with Ambush from Lando's power action, was an invaluable source of resources and focus. The deck lives and dies by being able to get to the 4 resource side on Lando and the Stealthy special.

As far as the single Second Chance, the other copy was swapped out for Entrenched, which was far more useful early game as 90% of opponents go after Leia first. Three shields to Leia, with the other two going to Lando to prep him for the endgame or to soak indirect. The second Second Chance was unnecessary in the vast majority of games. Games typically ended well before Lando was in any real danger. Honestly, even when I ran two copies, it was played in less than 50% of games I drew it. The rare occasion I needed a second one, Rebel usually did the job.