Somethings fishy here......

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Venator class star destroyer! 20

Something smells fishy here..... Oh! It’s you, Kit Fisto! Now, tell me what the game plan is for plowing those clankers over, or even taking down an undercover Sith Lord. Oh, we mulligan for chance cubes and play upgrades on you? That sounds perfect! What else? So, we need to use your dice to protect you, while loading you up with damage dealing upgrades? Called it. Should we put shields on you or your girlfriend? On you. Oookkkkaaayyy, well we see who benefits from this relationship. No, sir, I wasn’t dissing you, I was saying master Aayla is so lucky to have you. Ok, I’ll leave. But first you have to change my name from cc-2224 to something better. Cody? Commander Cody? Hmmmmm, I like it! I will see you on the battlefield, master Fisto. Bye!

Jeesh! clone troopers think they are the center of the universe! Well, he was right! Do everything the leading commander said, and your opponents are sure to be having Fish Sticks for dinner!

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