Plo Koon Deck

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SushiGeaux 48

I've wanted to make a Plo Koon - Jedi Protector deck. I've wanted to make a Force Mystic deck.

Here's my attempt at both.

All my games so far are very long and drawn out, thanks to my force abilities like Force Heal, Force Jump, Shatterpoint, Force Protection and the endless amounts of redeploy. The problem always seems to be a lack of serious damage output and little to no assistance in the discard game.

I'm considering Bitter Rivalry, instead of Solidarity because while almost every card in the list can see play and do work for me, i really really wish i had two copies of the following because they provide explosive plays:

Force Misdirection with all the different dice sides available

Peace and Quiet for all those specials

Shatterpoint the true workhorse of the deck

The Power of the Force i consistently pull off 3 to 6 damage with this card, its the only reason i added Return of the Jedi.

It needs help though, i don't want to give up on it. Any ideas?

1 комментарий

JuzFuzz 27

Hey. I've made a similar deck recently using the plot Bitter Rivalry instead. I've only played it twice so far but it's a lot of fun. Having 2 of quite a few cards with Bitter Rivalry feels better (I wasn't brave enough to try solidarity for this - i think with stick-based decks for sure though).