Hero maz droids and vehicles. Hemaroid vehicles

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Beleghorn 66

Characters and tech supports generate resources. Churn out 4-6 vehicles by round 3. Anakins ability to turn droids is the highlight of the deck. Turning Chopper to special for free mitigation is great. along with exhaustable characters for Into The Garbage Chute or expendable charecters for Diplomatic Protection (great against indirect damage) this keeps you alive for a while. 31 health doesn't hurt either. Anakin can also turn astromech to 2 focus or use C-3PO on a 3 indirect on the hailfire tank for early 3 or late game 3 this deck hits big round 3 and 4 and can take big damage in the first 2 rounds while it's getting ready to dish it out. Took it to the GQ and don't mind admitting I was outclassed as a player but I think the deck has some nice tricks. Suggestions welcome. Obviously lots to change with a vehicle heavy new set out.

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