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Skreye 26

I've been playing some iteration of this deck since the game's release. Started with four First Order Stormtroopers and leaned heavily on Holdout Blaster, Squad Tactics, and Endless Ranks. Used to use Logistics (and many other Awakenings cards that have since been cut), but the deck really came into its own with the release of Spirit of Rebellion and the addition of TIE Pilot, Aftermath, and Attrition (replacing Logistics).

I didn't add Yellow until Empire at War gave us the LL-30 Blaster Pistol (Holdout Blaster copies 3-4). While going Rogue does offer some really key cards like Truce, Bait and Switch, and He Doesn't Like You, the deck can run into some awkward moments when having to spot Yellow/Red or if the Guavian Enforcer dies first (which is rare) and you have the cash for Endless Ranks. (Note that Endless Ranks only works with Red characters.) I also miss running two TIE Pilots, but I don't think I could go back to mono Red without good reason to do so in some future set.

A lot of the one-off cards shift depending on what I think is in the meta, and it could be worth it to replace the Guavian Enforcer with Bala-Tik - Gang Leader or Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary, but I like sticking with the non-unique theme.

Overall, it's always been pretty budget and has served me well.

4 комментария

eckospider 213

Hi! I think this deck looks like its superfun to play. What's the reasoning behind the battlefield?

RebelTraitor 259

why hidden over the second x-8?

Skreye 26

@eckospider The deck is obviously very aggressive, and even though it plays four characters, the fact that you're only ever resolving two die sides (Ranged and Resource) and can activate the whole team with Squad Tactics allows for quick claims. Taking damage off your guys for a few turns can stack up the last few points you need to take out an opposing character.

Skreye 26

@RebelTraitor Honestly, I only have one of each, but I'd consider Hidden Blaster to be just as good--and sometimes better than--X-8 in this deck. The deck's often starved for resources, so I rarely resolve X-8's 3 side or use its Action. The one "free" damage that comes with Hidden Blaster can help a lot, especially turn one when the opponent starts with two shields.