resolve dem specials

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Ничего. Это самодельная колода.
Основа для
Еще ничего.
2 комментария

General Vatutin 26

Too funny. Taking the most overcosted character produced. Congrats !

General Vatutin 26

Someone speculated that Luminara, which is really the poster child for Destiny’s 80% failure rate with cards, could be 10/13 and never played. One person of not topped that with 9/12. No worries that was SOTR Times so maybe with some new sauce 10/13 is more correct??? At least she has the worst art in the game p, even worse than Aurra, so I don’t feel bad about losing her.