Rainbow Rockets

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Sinomi 375

Yet another iteration of my vain attempts to utilize Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader.

On the surface it's pretty straightforward: Use Hera to "rent" vehicles, Guardian away damage dice with Jedi Temple Guard, and use Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy to make money and pseudo- droids into desired die sides.

Events are mostly mitigation, which isn't too surprising for a vehicle deck. The support package is intended to provide a variety of options, and with any luck its inconsistency will help protect them against Flames of the Past or Kylo Ren - Tormented One. (Their best shot is probably "Red," but with any luck, most of those cards should be on the table rather than in hand.)

Quadjumper is there to exploit Hera's rental ability to play a bigger or equal cost ship with its discard Action. The other ships are mostly meant to deal damage, although the N-1 Starfighter offers a bit of dog-fighting utility or the ability to ready a stronger ship instead.

Being able to turn the droid dice with Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy means that each of them is immensely more useful. Astromech has a 2 side, Chopper is Electroshock on a stick, and everyone loves the consistency that C-3PO and R2-D2 bring, especially for resolving sides.

While admittedly slow, I'm hoping it can at least make a splash in my casual scene. We'll see!

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Sinomi 375

Other cards that didn't make the cut, but that I might consider later: