Cad/Snoke SC winner 6-1

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Phobos 6

This is the deck I ran for Store Champs in Malmö/Sweden.

Dervied from field is always difficult.. I've looked at the several decks with this lineup and tried to find my own flavour. Compared and got inspired from the posts at (Cad Bane/Snoke Deck analysis) and Gnars Cad/Snoke deck Gnar's Cad/Snoke deck.

I only have one force speed, so I'd probably include a second if I had one. I have a few one off cards that, when saw play, were massive on the rounds. Disarm is such a nice utility and I'd never leave home without it. Same goes for "fair" trade which totally kills the ramp for vehicle matchups if you get it early.

It might seem a bit random to just rely on one of each, but I see it more like that I have the option to mull for them, if I fail to find it, I'll just go for either the kill-them-really-fast-like-sabine approach or hope for some really nice 4 discard rolls early on. I got a few early 4-discards off, 2 vs ePlo, 1 vs eAphra and 1 moer somewhere else I think.

I'd say I rolled above average in this tournament, but I only did a couple misplays all through (two of them in my matchup vs eYoda/eZeb which I lost).

Swiss rounds: eVader/Royal Guard - Win eYoda/eZeb - Loss eKylo/ePryce - Win eKylo/eBala-Tik/Fortify? - Win

Semi eAphra/Ciena/Bala-tik - Win

Final ePlo/Padawan/Padawan - Win

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Phobos 6

There were 15 participants in the tournament