Oh Snap Sabine!

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thefrenchican 7

Being one of the many victims of the sabine nerf, I don't wanna give up on her. Decided to use snap so I can get access to red's healing abilities, and Snap is a pretty good distraction since he's fairly annoying. Let me know what you think.

2 комментария

Junin L. 7

The list appears to be fast but isn't Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta a bad choice? I mean if your opponent claims first he will pay 1 from of Snap's Hability and will gain the resource again. Have you considered Docking Bay - Finalizer because of Suppressive Fire?

thefrenchican 7

`@Junin Lima That's a good point, I'll have to play test.The main reason I have Snap in there at all is because suppressive fire and red healing is so good, but yeah, I'll have to try that out. Thanks.