Dooku's Scapegoat

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banshee 88

Leverage Count Dooku - Darth Tyranus for maximum burst damage. Same strategy as the brotk deck...Piett is expendable. Use him for The Best Defense... and Leadership, then when he's almost dead cook him for dinner with The Price of Failure. Since I'm planning to fry him up for dinner redeploy weapons really don't matter. Either Dooku kills quickly or he dies. Either way it's an exciting game, but probably won't go to time.

Ideal opening hand would be:

  • Electrostaff (or any other 2 cost weapon) to start damage quickly
  • Enrage to enable 1 cost cards and a 2 cost weapon
  • Leadership to get an extra activation on the opening round
  • A 1 cost removal in case they roll well
  • Close Quarters Assault to knock out their hand, preventing rerolls and getting rid of removal

Hard mulligan for a 2 cost weapon so you can start him out swinging. I usually go second so I can have shields to use for Enrage, so only if the battleground is especially powerful for the opponent will I chose to go first. Electrostaff is great because it has a 50% chance to hit , and so you can clash Dooku to the 3-pay side and not have to pay for it. Tactical Mastery is to get around mitigation because you can activate Dooku, at least one die is guaranteed to be because of his ability, then resolve them without fear of removal. Helps to punch through for those quick kills, because if you're not killing people quickly you be dead.

Why I didn't:

  • Maul's Lightsaber...costs too much. I'm always out of with this deck so often I can't afford to pay to roll it out again. I'd rather use leadership/price of failure for a whole extra activation.
  • More redeploy weapons...I'm planning to fry up Piett by round 2 or 3, so I don't care about redeploy. If Dooku dies, you're pretty much toast anyway.
  • Rise Again...again, very little money. I very rarely have enough for dooku's pay side if I don't have electrostaff, so I can't afford to save 5
  • More blue weapons...shields and Force Illusion slow me down, so Vibroknife is good for getting around the shields and illusions.
  • It Binds All Things...not enough blue weapons
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