Boba/Pryce Vehicles

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Kyojinalex 2

I like the idea of running these 2 together. The vehicles should provide a high damage output, as well as benefiting the special for Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary. I added Commanding Presence and Darksaber to give the characters the opportunity to roll focus, as neither one has it on their character dice. Delve is in there to help put Planetary Bombardment and Ground Battalion out as quickly as possible.

I am still somewhat worried about generating the amount of resources needed for this deck. I put Truce and Well-Connected to help with that. Id like to think XS Stock Light Freighter will be helpful, but the more I look at it, it is taking up space that could likely be used by a better vehicle.

I think this deck could do a lot of damage, as long as I can keep the resources from drying up too quickly.

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