Mixed Timelines

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Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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Mixed Timelines 0 0 0 2.0

truth123 311

Basically this is a deck to allow luke access to Easy Pickings and have the great benefit of Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen at his side. Since most of the upgrades in this deck are 2 dollars it allows for an easier. Chance Cube is for resource generation at the benefit of maz's ability and force speed. BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX is for taking out shield decks such as Gui-Gon/Yoda. DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol is only there for the dice sides, however it is exchangeable for another copy of the axe. Maz's Goggles are for turning force speed to its special and for using maz to resolve them. Battle Rage is the tech card of the deck in which you can get as much usage out of luke as possible before he dies. Friends in Low Places is for taking out other "easy pickings" or mitigation focused decks. Guard is for last resort chances only when you cant use the 3 melee side of Ancient Lightsaber.

2 комментария

Icezox 7

It Binds All Things with only 6 blue upgrades wich are Ancient Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber and force speed now I think it is not worth it

truth123 311

Updated deck list: swdestinydb.com