Look at All These Shields 2.0

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Look at All These Shields 2.0 2 1 1 2.0

lengelmp 1152

I would really like to include Heirloom somewhere but it is obviously my 5th lightsaber choice. I don't want too many 3 cost weapons though. I produce shields fast and efficiently enough for defensive teaching and riposte to be worth it. Those combined with Obi-Wan's Saber combo for some big swings of damage so I don't want to cut that. Some changes I made to my first iteration were: Rey's over Crafted for the redeploy and the shield. Crafted was nice because a lot of my removal requires my dice to be in the pool so it forces my hand to roll out first which I always find myself not doing in time. Destiny over It Binds, this has been demonstrated at world's and Euro's by the YOUR Destiny Podcast crew and I agree with their assessment on the two cards. It Binds loses value the longer it takes for you to see it whereas Destiny is always online even in late stages of the game. Things I'm considering changing: Luke's Protection for Caution (maybe, I don't want too much removal of my own dice) or some other form of consistent shield production besides Shotos and Obi-Wan. I would like to swap one Force Misdirection for some other type of control, not real sure what yet. Misdirection is better with Aayla/Rey because you have more than one damage type whereas this deck is just straight sticks. Versus a lot of decks that card is dead. I don't think this is tier 1 at all but it is very durable and aggressive and fun to play, sometimes it's nice to play some stuff outside of the meta. Mulligan: Shoto, Ancient (both on Padawan turn 1) and/or Lightsaber Pull. I would keep Destiny in hand if I saw it turn 1 and ditch to get it if I pull everything listed above in my initial mulligan.

1 комментарий

StaticCat 40

Have you thought about adding Heightened Awareness to the deck that’d make it very interesting to play that hitting Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master after he’s rolled out and showing damage or his special then hitting them with either the special for a minimum of 3 or on a Ataru Strike for more, if you were to run one as a surprise.