Jedha Mill

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Martään 65

Since Yoda/Jedha/Riekan already was in our last local tournament, I looked some other combinations and came to this one. I feel, it is much easier to pull off this 4 mill per round from these character abilities, than classic hero mill, and Yoda with 2 dice is significally stronger. There are few cards, that im missing, that would fit here well like Krayt Dragon Howl and Friends in Low Places.

Went 5-0 in the local shop tournament with it. Here is the overview.


I got 2 Scrap heap in mulligan, which was best start I could wish for. Opponent went for Jedha kill which I was happy for too. My backbone Yoda worked well. Got lots of resources but no Strength Through Weakness so game went longer than should. I was left with 2 health and 2 shields on Yoda. 1-0


Villain mill. I feared this matchup a little, since this mill don't have All Quiet On The Front. Good removals turn one didn't let him to get economy going and my mill worked quite well. Disruption and well played removal was the key. 2-0

Boba-Greedo-First Order Stormtrooper

Looked like easy game, I couldn't end it propelly. His battlefield, Petranaki Arena - Geonosis, was quite bad for me, also. He got some nice damage and at the last round, no cards left, he had 1/3 chance with last die to shut my Yoda forever. But Yoda lived. 3-0


This super fast deck had some quite hurting battlefield- Fort Anaxes - Anaxes. It removed my indirect damage w-o triggering my Jedhas. Luckily he didn't have much mititgation and dice didn't roll too well. 4-0


Mill worked well, first rounds I succeded mitigating his dmg. On round 4 he once had 12 dmg on table, but no resources to solve those. Game ended with Yoda standing about 5 health, 2 shields.

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