Modified Yoda Mill

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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DarthVincentius 42

A custom build based on a couple of decks posted here and ones I have seen on other sites and at our local shop. I liked the playstyle of my version a little better as it suited my style of play. Not a fan of Vandalize, Flank, or Hidden Motive. I would rather run any removal but Hidden Motive in any other deck but in this one, it kind of works. It just really depends on the match up. I added another Roguish Charm and 2 Friends in Low Places. The Friends in Low Places really helps to plan out what they have and what they can play. It also helps if you have Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder in hand as you can then choose what youre are taking with Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herderor if it even worth playing. I have chosen not to include Espionage as it tends to mill my better cards. I feel that this deck has no "reroll" cards and every card in the deck has its place and purpose. The Roguish Charm, while being a yellow only card, I feel that if these are out early, you can make some fast cash off them.

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