TRILOGY eMo Winner

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StaticCat 40

-1575So I finally got a chance to play a Trilogy tournament thanks to my buddy Monk for hosting it . . . it was in San Luis Obispo about 2 hours north of where I live and was being hosted by Captain Nemo's Games & Comics, it was a small event as one of the players had to work late, one was ata wedding and two couldn't make it so instead of a nice 10 person possible it was only 5, but it was still a lot of fun.

So as some of you know Monk or Riddlebox (Jackleman Games) and others in town or friends that aren't online I was up in the air about what to play I had several decks designed and made and ready to go so Monk and I showed up a few hours early to try and test some decks to see what I was going to play . . . however we only got to play 2 games because he had to build his deck still and of course we traded and we talked one thing led to another and it was almost time.

In testing with Monk I tried my fun Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy x3 againt his Rey - Finding The Ways/Aayla Secura - Jedi General - needless to say I got destroyed in both games so that deck was a big fat NOPE! . . . ANNNND Monk roles the 2X on Rey - Finding The Ways first roll, then 2X on Aayla Secura - Jedi General on the first role - I even doubted one of them and it still came up dead Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy . . . lol

With that being said and TERRIBLE roles as well I look at the last two actual tournament worthy decks I have Yoda - Wizened Master/Jedha Partisan x2 or Kylo Ren - Tormented One.Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice - I know that the mill deck is good boring to play and boring to play against so I opted for fast damage with Kylo Ren - Tormented One/Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice even though that's a played deck by a lot of people I figured it would be the best to play and probably more fun that mill

Round 1 vs. Daly (Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary Fett/Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician??)

Unfortunately it was the start of the second round that I realized that he had only 1 die for his Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician he said that he thought he needed a second Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary die which I would've lent him but he just went and bought a starter for it, only to realize it was the Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician die he needed, I offered to let him borrow my extra but we had already started I said it was no problem even Monk said he could but he opted out and said he would for the next round, so we went on - unfortunately with only 3 dice instead of 4 and having 2 Crossguard Lightsaber on Kylo Ren - Tormented One on the second round it pretty much went downhill from there. After the win he told me that he had a limited pool of cards having not played in a while so I think that's why I saw cards that I normally wouldn't normally see on that type of deck.

Round 1 - Win

Round 2 vs Monk Rey - Finding The Ways/Aayla Secura - Jedi General

Well I knew what I was getting in for as I played this deck twice prior against a ver inadequate deck now I was playing something with a little more gusto and to make matters worse, Monk even said I should play this one as I would probably have more fun than the mill, well Monk I had more fun with this one because of reasons . . . lol

So we start I win the roll and go to his Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine since we were both playing the same thing and shields on my characters are better than shields on Rey - Finding The Ways any day of the week. I dropped a Crossguard Lightsaber on Kylo Ren - Tormented One and pinged Rey - Finding The Ways then Monk started his rolling and this time his rolls were VERY sub-par I think he only rolled 1 base damage on most of his rolls having to use Aayla Secura - Jedi General to manipulate his dice to sides that he needed or wanted unfortunately I had mitigation when needed and he didn't do a lot of damage to Kylo Ren - Tormented One, I have to say the highlight of this game, asides from meeting Monk for the first time and playing him was playing Kylo Ren's Starfighter, rolling it out hitting the blank only to see he has no cards in hand for it's effect to work - figures - that was the only time I got it out in the tournament and the only time it rolled a special - might have to cut that dead weight.

Round 2 Win - 2-0

Final game vs.Dylan Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician

Dylan had all his dice and a really good deck to boot, he rolled it like a champ and played quite well, he went after Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice first and continued until he defeated him, normally people go for Kylo Ren - Tormented One because of the damage, but I think he wasn't worried as he had a good mix of cards in his hands most of the time, I did get his special off several times however, but not as much against Monk where it was every round except one - stupid Endurance - but still I killed his Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary first then he killed Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice and it was down to a full health fully geared up Kylo Ren - Tormented One with 2 Crossguard Lightsaber and a Crafted Lightsaber vs Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tacticianwith a Hidden Blaster, Captain Phasma's Blaster and one other card which I forget sorry :( but his Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician had 2 damage on her already from the Kylo Ren - Tormented One originally and off we went for our battle, mitigation favored me and his uch needed Tactical Mastery was the second card from the bottom so he couldn't get the roll and resolve, eventually getting 6 damage on Kylo Ren - Tormented One but the kill on Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician.

A great game by both I think and was probably the second highlight of the day so I ended up winning and took home the lovely black 1 damage tokens because their awesome looking and I want more - Monk took second with his Rey - Finding The Ways/Aayla Secura - Jedi General, Dylan took 3rd with his Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician I didn't get to play the other player and last was the first game against Daly who also ran Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician

Round 3 Win - 3-0

All the players were awesome people I had promos and game everyone a set they loved them, made a few trades for some cards got another Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy to actually have 2 now, got another set of Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch because she's good in every deck and I don't want to keep switching her between all the decks that I currently run with her in it.

After we finished I played one more game against Dylan standared I pulled out my Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch/Thrawn - Master Strategist and he pulled out .. . the same thing - he had a few even cost decks in his but he still squeaked out the win due to his ability to hit Thrawn - Master Strategist ability more consistently than I did - my first 10 cards were all 1 cost and they were good especially loosing both Witch Magick and both Tactical Mastery. Still it was close his Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch had only 1 health left still a good game.

Now I need more tokens and more players to play this in my area. Thanks for the fun and running a smooth tournament Monk

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