mommy boba

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mommy boba 0 0 0 2.0

srfett23 1

just messing around with trilogy.

2 комментария

StaticCat 40

Interesting deck, unfortunately I wouldn't use so many even cards in your deck (8 total cards out of 30 is almost 1/3 of your deck hitting even meaning Spell of Removal and Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch might not be as beneficial to you. Personally I would drop some of them for either different mitigation or different cards.

Also, I would take out 1 of the Delve or add a second Pirate Speeder Tank this way you can make more use of Delve because having 2 and only 1 card in your deck that makes it worthwhile isn't beneficial to you.

If you have them I would recommend adding Heirloom Lightsaber x2 and remove 1 T-21 Repeating Blaster and 1 Crystal Ball giving you access to better weapons that have redeploy if on Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch . . .

Also my own preference I'd drop 1 of the Vandalize and maybe add something benefcial to you like perhaps add Well-Connected to get another resource which you may need.

Regardless enjoy and good luck! May The Force Be With You!

srfett23 1

@StaticCat funny you mention the second speeder tank, I have a second one but can't find the card, haha. yeah I was wondering about too much even cards too. I'm gonna put in well connected. Thanks for the feedback. being a new player its cool to get a second set of eyes.