boba 7th - 10th Canadian Nationals, 3rd Toronto regionals

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nojjon 209

Tried to defend my Nats title this year, got close to making top cuts.. Missed cuts losing to palp player, nothing i could do with palp rolling only 3dmg. Inspiration is from the many posted here. Been playing it for bout 3 weeks and tweaked it for my local meta which is very very very blue melee.

This was the deck i used at Nats. The regional one was a littler different i had two shotos instead of Fast Hands, I Am Your Father and Feel Your Anger for two As You Command, and Vandalize was defend i think..

Matches are kinda blurry but at regional only losses where to mirror match, talzin and thrawn and kylo 7sis. Won vs hero mill and 2 mirror matches and ???.

Nats loss to palp and quigon/anakin. Won hero mill, talzin/thrawn, otk, boba phasma and poedo. Only mistake i remember is he had 1 mill showing, I had two cards. I should have used bait and switch, then ambush to re-roll with 2nd card instead of just re rolling first.

Card tech notes::

Fast hand: This wins games, shoto is crap on boba since 7th sister almost always dies first. If they go for boba first it cost you nothing for fast hands. 2 fast hands and cutlass on boba is plenty of awesomeness.

2nd heriloom Ls: I really tried fitting this in but no space. There were multiple times when I just wished i had a 2nd one.

Vibro + maul saber= wins games, Lots of shield comps

As you command: I chose more dmg over die control. You can make some very interesting plays with this card. turn crap into good crap. Alter is another option but I never found myself with extra monies.

Defend: I almost wanted to play 2, 70% of our meta here is melee. Entangle was another possible option here.

Friends in Low places: This card is awesome in this deck, removing removal plus knowing whats in his hand is huge. Mulligan for this vs OTK.

well connected Vs Truce: most of the meta is blue or sabine. Giving either one a free mineral is just too helpful.

Vandalize: Meta dependent, but still very useful in certain situations.

Got questions post below :P

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