Boba/Maul rush deck?

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Hessian_Hessian_Hessian 239

Critisize please! I realise this isn't an amazingly balanced deck, but...

1 комментарий

5P33D 75

I don't think that Boba and Maul pair very well together, but if you're set on trying to make it work then I can give some suggestions. First off I rarely ever have just one of a card because if it's good you should have two and if it's bad you shouldn't use it. The opponent is obviously going to go after Maul first so you are gonna want to play the upgrades on Boba. I would try using the sith holocron to really power up Boba. You definitely need force illusion in the deck to play on Maul so he lasts longer. You have 4 different spot a blue cards and when Maul dies they are unusable so I would probably take them out. I would put in more damage dealing upgrades or blue force abilities (for the sith holocron) and take out some of the supports. Hope this helps.