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Bartholomew Remotely Controls Something 0 0 2 1.0
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Dopefisherman 68

The deck I ran at the New York Destiny Regional at Millennium Games.

Canto Bight Pistol A 3-cost Redeploy with good damage. Only faced 1 villain deck the entire time.

Chance Cube For Resource Generation. Without any real way to Focus to the 3-side, I found this choice wanting.

EMP Grenades For staving off vehicles and MAYYYYYBE getting a Battledroid or two. Would have been great for killing a U-wing but the most it ever got was a Y-wing.

Holdout Blaster If there's one card to not question in this deck, it's right here. Possibly the best upgrade in the entire game, it also has the keyword that 3+ character decks like the most: Redeploy.

Hunting Rifle The prospect of giving training to a Jawa for only 1 resource seemed like a given, even with their low health. If only it could redeploy, but we can't have everything.

Plastoid Armor This might have been the MVP. Being able to stop a die from killing someone off so they can re-roll into good damage actually helped enough times that I would likely never part with them.

Backup Specialist A support that lets you re-roll 2 dice. In a world where your dice suck, this is a life saver.

Emulate The only real focus mechanic in the whole deck, this card got TONS of use. Would never leave home without it, especially for being able to turn your opponent's dice with it too.

Fight Back A solid form of removal. With how many bad sides Jawas can roll, you can at least save one of them to stave your opponent off.

Flank The most reliable removal in the deck, especially with the large character count.

No Cheating A card that never got use. Hearing the amount of mitigation that the game currently uses, I felt that players would react with a bit of action cheating again. Unfortunately the only action cheating I found always ended with a Running Interference to prevent removal and this in the process.

Resourceful A way to take the Jawa's meh dice and convert it into SOMETHING. Enabled the 2 sides quite often.

Roll On This card fell flat. Either I'd get what I wanted the first re-roll (making this a waste), or I would not get what I wanted after all 3 re-rolls.

Shelter Used once? Not impressed.

Sound The Alarm Basically an auto-include in every deck I run. A phenomenal form of Disturbance in the Force but that which only targets the dice you WANT to target...usually.

Would Replace Roll On with Rend given the trouble I got from Running Interference. I also misread Remote Stockpile, definitely a go-to, probably shelve Shelter in a shelter for now.

8 комментариев

Darth_JarJar 350

This is great!! I had heard about the Jawa deck at a regional! Curious, how'd you do? And what kind of decks did you face?

cjnj193 265

How does Emulate hit enemy dice? It specifies THAT character

allenirish66 3

i had 5 jawa as my fun deck between matches there yesterday i think they got us really confused on some discord pages i had the hidden blaster in mine and used the combo of swiftness to Emulate. i made the mistake of adding two 3 cost repeating thinking maybe but um no i also had stun baton in and found if the little guy lasted and did deal damage with it the paying one was good. i did manage to kill a boba in a B7 deck and took down Aayla and a clone plus put 6 on the other one before the next round started

Dopefisherman 68

@CloudCityCasual 0-6, 2 vehicle decks, sabine/ezra, rey2/sabine, padme/yoda, 7th/boba. I blame dice rolls and lack of experience on my end.

@cjnj193 It CAN affect enemy dice, you just need 2 of the same character on the enemy team. I DID read it wrong initially though, I still thank you for pointing it out.

@allenirish66 I like those ideas, I'm just more hesitant for stuff without redeploy. Won't stop me from trying though.

allenirish66 3

I usually said the hell with the upgrade and ditched it if I rolled a 2/1 with there ability on another Jawa. The hunting rifle was the best one to do it with. I also ran two z95 in it and if it hit the 3/1 I’d toss something. A pure deck of thinking. Hahaha

Fredpswartz 45

I think three of your Jawas should team up with Phasma Elite Trooper.

Lopsinho 1

maybe a battledroid would be nice, thematically they couldve hacked it and gained access to the arsenal

Dopefisherman 68

@Lopsinho I mean, I GUESS Bartholomew could take control...