Unlucky 7

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Ничего. Это самодельная колода.
Основа для
Еще ничего.

banshee 88

What makes this deck different is that you're actually hoping for rolls. Lots of upgrades with 2 on them, on purpose. It's not a problem if you blank out because Tarkin - Grand Moff can take those two blanks and turn them into 4 . Lemons into lemonade!

Anger becomes a 0 cost version of Reversal because of the high probability of Destiny's 'snake eyes' (2x). Manipulate is good in these circumstances if you only get one for disruption and chains into a quick Anger turnaround.

Sith Holocron goes on Tarkin. It's a fake out, because there aren't too many abilities that you can use with this, so if you roll a great, try to use it, but if not the other sides can be useful too because of Tarkin's power action. Try to load up Tarkin - Grand Moff with as many upgrades as you can because they're going to go for Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor first almost every time.

Other than that, roll big, do , use your blanks for . Doesn't really matter what you roll, even is good for you!

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