Support Spam

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Support Spam 1 1 2 3.0
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Nemikan 32

General Description: Play a bunch of inexpensive supports that have dice to generate the maximum amount of resources we can. Chain those into more supports. We don't really care about our characters dying since we don't use upgrades. With the supports we have a ton of dice in play, and can easily be dealing 4-7 damage from a flanking manuver, and planned explosion lets us turn a bunch of those cheap mediocre dice into damage. You're generally playing out your hand so the issue is you don't really reroll dice too much, which is where BB-8, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Aalya's ability really help out a ton.

The focus of this is to rush your opponent down as quick as possible thereby "removing" their upgrade and character dice. This deck doesn't care about losing a character since there aren't any upgrades or resources put into them.

Starting hand: You want as many of the 1 cost supports as possible to chain the generation of resources. Ideally, you want to end up playing out your whole hand and having 4-5 dice extra in play by the end of turn 1 (Potentially more if you get really lucky and have award ceremony). Mulligan any cards costing 2+, planned explosion, duplicate unique cards, and Honor Guard. The worst cards to start with are Flanking Maneuvers and Planned Explosion.

Battlefield / Speed: You don't really care about taking extra actions - due to all the supports you generally won't ever claim (unless the Comlink does it magic). Because of this, we have one of the most useless battlefields.

Game Plan Turn 1: Try to play out your whole hand, resources are all you care about, and not discarding to reroll if at all possible.

Turn 2: Get some solid supports down, get some damage on their heroes aiming for 2-6 damage. Splitting damage isn't an issue, your primary goal is to make sure the hero you're targetting is down to ~9 hp. This puts them in range of planned explosion, and I say 9 because even with a shield you can still take them out. If you get some solid rolls or were lucky turn 1 - there's a decent chance you can get a planned explosion off and kill a hero T2.

Turn 3: You definitely kill 1 hero this turn for sure. Roll out all your dice and play either a flanking maneuver or planned explosion. If you have neither you should have drawn one of the more expensive supports with powerful damage sides and can utilize those.

Turn 4: You should have so many dice by now, you should hopefully finish off their characters this turn, You're probably down to your last character but luckily you have no upgrades, so it doesn't really matter as long as they live. The comlink this turn becomes invaluable with the added speed it provides.

How the deck plays out: If you roll tons of resources the deck work great! If you don't, hopefully, most of those are damage. With Aayla you should be able to focus your huge damage on Ground Battalion, Sonic Cannon, and Resistance Bomber gaining a lot of consistency there.

Weaknesses: This deck suffers greatly against discard, feel your anger and scorched earth. Maz's Goggles helps vs. all 3 getting rid of their events. Ground Battalion is there to stop scorched earth. Feel your anger is an active issue you just have to be careful with.

The dice removal of this deck are also based on removing damage, so if they are playing with a lot of specials being their powerful dice, this deck can't actively remove them. Luckily we can just kill that character.

Specific Card Choices: Ground Battalion / Sonic Cannon: Sonic cannon is the highest damage, and we don't care about it being a vehicle or not.

Resistance Bomber, HWK both have really high sides for planned explosions, yet are inexpensive supports for flanking manuever and very solid all around.

T-47 Airspeeder: Has card draw (important with all the 1 cost supports), and 2 damage sides at 2 cost.

Award Ceremony: With all the 1 cost supports, flanking manuver and Planned explosion, often times you have a pile of resources but no card you actively want to play. This allows you to draw into more options, allowing you to get the cards you need.

Suppression Field: With Rose these can be pretty potent in removing dice. I can get 2-3 dice removed depending on how early I get them out. Remove a 2 damage side, then next turn a 3+ damage side. I need to playtest these a bit more to see if they are too slow and costly at 2 resources - but they seem pretty potent.

Why not run.... Y-wing: The specials are the good sides and don't work well with Planned explosion. Having a cost of 3 hurts the amount of dice for flanking manuvers.

Runaway Boomas: Heavily considered, but costing 3, and an extra resource for the 2nd dice is a bit pricey. Don't have cards to reroll when it misses, and I'm not sure what it would replace. Maybe the Airspeeder, seems like a bad trade.

More dice removal: Anything that slows down our damage is a detriment. A little dice removal is effective and well worth it to control some crazy stuff from happening, thus the Honor Guard and Suppression field. I may opt for Electroshock to get rid of specials which I think might be a bigger issue for this deck over damage.

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