eHan/eChewy in the Millennium Falcon

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Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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sparkyeks 27

This deck is pretty easy to run. The idea is to chain as many actions together as you can to get your damage in and remove dice. There's not much more satisfying than playing an ambush weapon with Millennium Falcon out and a Fast Hands on Han Solo - Savvy Smuggler to get a card play, a support activation, a character activation, a die reroll, and a die resolution all in one turn.

Try to take advantage of cards like Impulsive to resolve a Chewbacca - Loyal Friend into removing your opponent's damage dice. Second Chance is a must find as you will probably take a lot of damage along the way, but try to claim the battlefield and get to the next round. A lot of games end on the first turn of a round when you can use Han Solo - Savvy Smuggler's reroll and Fast Hands resolution.

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